-When you click the box at the check out process on our website you are agreeing to our terms and conditions. It implies that you've taken the time to go through our policies, terms, conditions, and have decided to accept them. It's crucial to understand these guidelines as they govern your interaction with us.
If any items have been damaged during transit or are missing from the order, we're glad to replace them free of charge. If there are any issues, reach out to us within three days of receiving the order. You can contact our customer service center by calling or texting 866-758-3663 or email us at orders@pkuperspectives.com.
Privacy Policy: At our company, your privacy is our top priority. When you place an order with us, the information you provide, such as your name, address, and credit card number, is heavily encrypted to ensure maximum security. This means that even if someone were to attempt to intercept this data, they would not be able to understand or use it. We also want you to know that we have a strict policy against selling your information to other parties. We respect your privacy and want to maintain your trust. Additionally, we do not keep credit card information on file. Once your transaction is complete, your credit card details are immediately discarded, further enhancing your security.
Copyright: PKU Perspectives holds the ownership of all content present on this website. This includes but is not limited to text, codes, visuals such as artwork, photographs, images, and audio-visual material. Basically, everything you see, read, or hear on this website is solely owned by PKU Perspectives. They do not confer any other rights related to this website or its content to anyone else. This means all remaining rights are kept by PKU Perspectives. You are not allowed to modify, alter, publish, distribute, or broadcast any content from this site without getting written permission from PKU Perspectives first. Furthermore, it's not allowed to automatically or systematically collect data from this website.
Enforcement of Copyright: PKU Perspectives is highly committed to safeguarding its copyright. This expressly means that duplicating or copying text from our site without obtaining explicit permission is strictly prohibited. If you encounter instances where PKU Perspectives' copyright materials are being used in a way that breaches or could potentially breach the license stipulated above, we ask for your cooperation in reporting this. You can do this by sending an email to our team at sales@pkuperpsectives.com. Alternatively, you may also send us a mail at our postal address, PO Box 696 Pleasant Grove Utah 84062.

